ロンドンに着いて思うこと / What I think when I arrive in London





First, let's walk.
After all, there is a lot of inspiration when you arrive in each country.
It is no exaggeration to say that the first day's walk will determine your impression of a country.
Just walk as you are led.
What you see on your first day will be your first impression of the country.
I think it would be fair to say that what you see on your first day is your first impression of the country.
In my opinion, I like this routine.
But the first destination can be a meal or a nearby sightseeing spot.
I think "diversity" is a word that cannot be used to describe London, England.
My honest impression is that there are people from all walks of life.
I don't know about you, but when I see a gentleman wearing a scarf, I think, "That's very British! I think, "Oh! (I don't want to be racist). (I don't want to sound racist).
There are also many Asian people, and I can tell that they live here. Maybe it's because they walk around with dignity.
I have to admit that I have never seen Asian people in other countries because I have always thought of them as "tourists".
But I guess it depends on the age of the people, and I guess it also differs from region to region.
I feel that I should visit the English countryside.
My impression of a developing country
Walking around SOHO, it looks like Ginza.
Is the area larger than Ginza? I was surprised by the scale of the area.
There is a Uniqlo, various brands, and even Onitsuka Tiger.
The displays are almost the same as in Japan.
You get the feeling that nothing is missing, and if you look for it, you can find it.
The technology UX is also smooth.
Purchasing tickets and Oyster cards was very easy to understand.
I was a bit surprised that I didn't have to ask.
I feel that the developed countries are amazing and different from the rest of the world.
I don't want to say that less developed countries are lagging behind, but I think it is very enjoyable for those who want a sparkling trip and a smooth experience.
I like adventurous travel, so I prefer crazy or weird countries.
Still, I can't help but feel a sense of comfort and security.
Food Abundance
Who said that food is bad in England?
In my opinion, this means that the traditional food is not very good.
In England, there are Marugame Seimen and COCO Ichi, and from my own experience of traveling, the satisfaction level of Japanese food is unusually high.
Because I would do a combo from Marugame Seimen to Misato (a Japanese restaurant) and it is a real taste of Japan.
But the udon costs 1500 yen and the karaage-don (fried rice bowl) costs 11.5£ (1900 yen). Strange.
However, my gut feeling was that the abundance of food would be the foundation for people to gather.
I don't know if it is because so many people have come to the area that a community has formed and food has spread there, or if people gather because of the abundance of food, but at the very least, I think it is a good place for people with money to choose.
It would be great to have a place with a high level of infrastructure, good food, and easy access to other countries.
Chinatown is very lively and all the food looks delicious.
English, English, English
It is amazing that everything is in English.
It was hard to find such a place, I think now, and although I wouldn't say it's the only choice if you want to study abroad, I felt it's a great environment to be in.
It's a great environment if you have such a high level of living and English in your daily life. Of course, it costs money.
The problem of money is something that needs to be solved somehow, but I feel that it is difficult to do so from the current situation in Japan.
I think there is a realistic way for Japan to make it work by developing skills that can be used overseas.
I felt that engineers and designers have a strong position in the industry.
I felt that engineers and designers are strong because they are skills that can be learned and passed on while still in Japan. (Personally, I think that designers need English more than engineers and designers.)
It's cold and the sun goes down quickly.
It is true that Europe in winter is not recommended.
It's too cold and you can't stay outside for a long time.
It may be fine for a short trip, but if you plan to stay for a month, it's hard.
It is hard when you catch a cold.
The sun begins to set at 4:30 p.m., which is too early.
In summer in Spain, the sun sets at 22:00.
If I had the money.
High prices attract interest about money.
What if I could earn foreign currency? What if I had money that I could never have to worry about?
What a thing to think about.
Of course, if we had money, we would have many options and we would be less likely to think, "That's expensive! I might be able to stretch out and enjoy myself.
Prices are high. I have the impression that prices are 1.8 to 2 times higher than in Japan.
If the money problem is solved, I think it would be easier to live in a place where there is a choice of food, geographical convenience, and diversity, considering where I want to go.
Therefore, I feel that the United Kingdom seems to be a good place to live.
Similar to Tokyo
I think there is a longing, a passion, a dream, etc.
I think people who like Tokyo like London.
If you don't like Tokyo, you don't like London either.
I think that people who want to focus on something and start a business are suited for it.
I don't know the reason, but I think there is such passion and foundation.
Is it good to be here yet, or is it good to come?
When I arrived, I was thinking on the bus from the airport to the city, "I'm not sure I want to go to England yet," but when I walked around, I had many things to think and feel, and I was glad that I came.
It was not because I saw tourist attractions and thought the scenery was nice, but because I was convinced by the economy or something.
I don't know what that conviction was about. I don't know if it is a sense of security or comfort, but there seems to be something that makes me feel relieved. It may be because I am exposed to Japanese food and Japanese things, but I think I feel relieved.
I would like to be able to look at things from an economic point of view, which may be what I felt vaguely.